Friday, 17 June 2016

Rain, Rain go away!!!

The rain this week has definately been welcome in the respect that the plants have loved it, trouble is, so have the weeds! I managed to sneak to the plot for a much needed, baby free 4 hours yesterday and ended up spending 3 of those hours weeding. It is a good chance to spend time observing the plants and seedlings a little more up close and personal though isn't it? I spotted some baby butternut squashes and a baby cucumber, as well as realising that a few pumkins plants needed securing onto the arch they are growing over.
Our strawberrys are not doing great. We were given enough runners from a fellow plotter to fill a 6ft x 6ft bed but we have lost about half of them. We just didn't get a chance to water them enough while they established and we had some really hot days at the time. But whilst on my epic weeding session I saw that most of the survivors are sending out lots of runners so we can replace the dead ones with those.
I also spotted a row of snow peas germinating. I had sowed some Dellikett peas directly in April,  each and every one of the things failed! I ended up sowing them again in modules and transferring them to the plot last week. It is such a relief to see success with some direct sowings. Now we have more space I am planning for bumper pea crops next season and really didn't  fancy doing all the sowings in modules.
I did leave wishing I had time to dig another bed or 2 but hey ho it is working progress.
We have plans to take the four children to the plot for a few hours tomorrow. A neighbour spotted that we had given them each a bed of their own and kindly brought two big planters with a treasure trove of plants for them to pkat, what a lovely gesture! There is tomato plants, sweet peas, sunflowers, poppies and nasturtiums. The children are so excited to get planting! They have also sown their own seeds in pots at home so we are keeping our fingers crossed that they grow, if they do maye they can have a post if their own.
But for now I am going to get back to new new kindle purchases, 'Veg Journal' and 'How to grow winter veg' both by Charles Dowding, I am really liking the no dig idea......

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