Tuesday, 23 August 2016


One of the jobs that has been on my to do list for a while was re-covering the ground inside the fruit cage. This job was initially done a tad hastily by the husband, and  as a result about a foot all around had become uncovered, meaning all the weeds were still growing. In fact it had become a jungle of bind weed and I found myself avoiding looking in the end. I'm not sure why I had put the job off as long as I did, it only took half hour and the whole plot looks so much better for it!
After a bit of weeding I also planted out some betroot and chicory, ready for winter. I am losing so many plants to the pesky slugs, I really hope they are still there next week. I am still not using any form of slug control but I have found myself looking at organic pellets more and more. I have decided to move forward with the plot using the no-dig method. ( Google Charles Dowding if you have never heard of it, it sounds amazing) in theory it should balance out the pests eventually but it will take time,  so I have to decide whether it is worth waiting and possibly losing more baby plants or not!
Two of the courgette plants have stopped producing so out they come today. I almost felt reloeved as dealing with the glut this year hasbeen a challenge haha. Ithink one or two plants will be plenty next year. It looks sad to see such a big empty gap, but I reminded myself that it is space for the winter crops. I plan to grow chicory, beets, chard, endive, sorrel, lambs lettuce, field beans and garlic as well as winter brassicas,  so if it all goes well the plot won't have empty space for long.
The harvest have been getting more and more exciting and today was no exception. I harvested our first ever, home grown sweetcorn! Managed to get it home and on the plate within an hour and it has been the best tasting hrvest so far. It is a thousand times nicer than anything I have ever bought and I cannot wait to pick more.

Sunday, 7 August 2016

Plot 28a

A plan is made and digging has comenced! The plan for this side is for the front section to be the veg patch, with 6 4ftx10ft veg beds to fall into the crop rotation, then a herb bed, currant bushes and apple tree down one side, and the odd perenial veg dotted about. Then a fruit cage homing raspberry canes and blue berry bushes, leaving the back section of the plot for a lower maintanace ochard ( 4 trained fruit trees) a rhuburb and asparagus bed and a carrot patch!
So far I have most of the front section dug over and the fruit cage is under repair, fingers crossed we have it all ready by spring 2017!


It has been another month of digging, planning and a little bit of harvesting too! In fact in July we brought home £52.86 worth of fruit and veg comparing to Asda prices, not to shabby for our first ever July on the plot.
Unfortunately we lost all of the tomato plants to blight, even though there was a fantastic fruit crop I had to bin the lot as they were effected so badly! I have started looking at blight resistant varieties for next year, as well as early fruiters, in the hope to grow enough next year to make some great tomato sauce at least!
Luckily our plants at home are still growing strong, and my little boy is picking a few to munch every day.
As I have been a little terrible at blogging, here are some pics from July instead!